Monday, August 19, 2013

Extra Shells = More Efficient!

Currently working on printing a scale model of a certain luxury sport sedan for work, and realized that slicing with 2 extra shells in ReplicatorG yielded a 1.5 hour reduction in estimated print time!  Also noticed that for internal areas where ReplicatorG used to fill in a solid block, it's now printing with proper hexagonal infill.

It COULD however, be the fact that I'm also using 0.25mm layer heights instead of my normal 0.3mm as well.  Maybe areas where the extreme angles of the car surface required a solid infill layer is now supported better by the lower layer height, as well as the extra shell.  More testing is required!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

2013.JULY.30 Update

It's been a year since I've posted anything new to this site, but rest assured, there has been no shortage of random ideas and makings.  However, I've started to realize that there is really no way for me to execute every single idea I have, due largely to the lack of time as well as funds.

As of now, this blog will become a dumping ground for all of the random ideas that I may come across.  They may be just random doodles on a napkin, or fully fledged out designs of mechanical mayhem.  Some will have pictures, some will just be text.  Some will be expanded upon, others will fall to digital ether.

I've come to realize that most of these are really just brain exercises and may never be executed.

But that's okay.  

This ensures that my brain doesn't turn into mush while playing videogames.