Sunday, August 23, 2015

A New Kind Making

3D printable plastic designs definitely have their place, but nothing beats fusing metal by way of super-heated metal. There's something violently entertaining about arc welding.  The smoke, the sparks, the danger.

It's very much like firing a gun.  Only difference is that you're making things, and not destroying them with supersonic bits of lead and copper.

Introducing the new tool in the MakerJeff toolbox, the Lincoln Handy Mig welder!

The feed mechanism is very much like a filament extruder.

I'll be using flux-core wire until I can get a gas setup going.  The go-to flux core wire that most people tend to use is the Lincoln Electric NR-211-MP.  Again, very reminiscent of a spool plastic filament.

Also brushing up on Solidworks, digging deeper into the Weldments and FEA simulations.

I've got a few fun projects lined up to test what this welder can do, so stay tuned!